Grudge match lol

Robert De Niro goes up to the trainer and says “You can’t be my trainer, maybe I believe you ate my my trainer” below “yo girl where’s my discipler?”


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How to beat the cults online

Very simply it is about timing and knowing what people search for.

When someone joins a cult someone wants to find out why, they search for things like “kip mckean” “city of angels” “international christian church” “cult” “mind control” they search and find, but how, one thing is timing, you have to put your stuff right after the cult puts their stuff online in various social networks and forums. Timing is critical, you know once events like the glc happen cult members will be seeking, so you put your stuff online exactly after they do, right when people will be looking. Another very important thing is to use the key words people search for.

If you get your search terms right and timing right you will be the top of the list, it is impossible for them to beat.

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False Christs

False Christs, actual people claiming to be Christ, one of the first signs of the great tribulation. There are many cults, some leaders say they are Christ but rarely. How do such cults begin? Reactionary or something more. Satan is always one to exploit any opportunity, what world event will cause false Christs? The middle-east peace process being completed? The red heifer? The 4 blood red moons? No-one knows, 2012 created nothing the hype of the end of the world and nothing happened.

In our quest to find when Jesus will come back, we first look at when the false Christs will come and why. Religion is totally crazy when you look at how greedy so many cults are, a reaction to that could be fundamentalism back to what Jesus stood for, helping the needy rather than exploiting the needy. There is cause and effect, the effect is false Christs but what is the cause, there could be many reasons.

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Reactionary groups

Where did the ICC cult come from? Kip McKean began it, he rallied around him people who he could convince to start a new movement. He is very persuasive and targets people he thinks he can use to make his new movement. It was in hindsight predictable, Kip had been kicked out of the ICOC cult for various reasons, and being who he was all he could do and all he knew how to do was to start another group, a refined version of his previous cult.

Certainly personality types have to be number one, have to be the one making the choices, they can’t “play second fiddle” to anyone, they have to be the star, Kip McKean is one such person.

The ICC cult was a reaction to the ICOC after Kip McKean had left. The ICOC cult run from 1979 to 2000 by Kip McKean was a reaction to a previous Church of Christ who they considered lost and lukewarm. People are simply pawns in the cult leaders game of global conquest to be used and exploited and disposed of when not needed.

Often cults begin as a reaction to society or a church, when society becomes free thinking the fundamentalists come along wanting rigid stability out of what they see as chaos.

Being reactionary or as they like to say revolutionary naturally leads to cultic groups because they by default isolate themselves from what was before, they provoke “persecution” which they then attribute to “god”.

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Deceptive recruitment, the invitation

Not everything is as it seems. When we study cults the first thing to look at it is the “invitation” to a bible study or church or social event. That first point of contact with the cult. Cult members might invite strangers along or friends and family, let’s analyse the “invite” and the motivations and mechanics behind it.

Usually cults like the ICC have organized and planned “evangelism” where a group of members meets up and splits up in to pairs to “reach out” in a mall or place where there are people, as if they were salespeople selling some product or service.

The person who is being invited along probably has no ideas of the motives behind why they are being invited along to a bible study or church. Often the assumption is it is just another evangelical Christian out sharing the gospel, doing it from the heart with pure motives based on a faith.

In cults there are many motivations why the members recruit or “reach out” to potential visitors. Firstly they believe that everyone outside of their specific church is going to hell, to be tortured forever. They also believe only through their specific indoctrination method called the “First principles” can a person really understand the bible be “saved” and so go to heaven. They believe that it is their churches mission and hence their personal mission that every true believer will constantly be “reaching out” to new people. Also if they don’t constantly make new members their very salvation is threatened and that they will go to hell if they are not a true disciple. Their leader/discipler constantly records and asks them how many people they have “reached out” to, how many phone numbers/contacts they have collected, how many visitors they have had, how many bible studies they have been in. There is a relentless stress applied to all members both personally and from the pulpit to constantly be converting new people and giving all they can to the cult.

With such relentless stress applied, it is no wonder the members do all they can to get new people in, it certainly is not sincere faith but motivated by many external reasons, including the “stats” sheet. The cult member targets everyone they know, everyone they can think that might become a visitor so as to tick the box on the stats sheet to relieve the stress.

Often you notice if your friend or loved one joins a cult they will only spend time with you if they think they can convert you, they are under constant stress to convert people to keep their discipler satisfied, as one cult leader says “deeds evidence the heart”. Such relentless stress means relationships are only maintained if the member thinks they can make that person come to church or a bible study. Such mechanical religion is like high pressure sales methods and has nothing to do with sincerity or faith but is purely numbers motivated and money motivated.

There is a show called “undercover boss” where the top boss of a company sees what is life is like for the workers who they never meet, they often go undercover. Usually they are surprised to see how much stress is put on the bottom level of workers and how under resourced they are, if the boss is a sociopath they don’t care, sadly in religious cults the boss is nearly always a sociopath.

When you look at why the members invite people along there are many motivations the person who is being invited along would never know about, all the person knows is it is a friendly persuasive person inviting them to a church or bible study. The member might be being threatened with hell unless they can bring a visitor along, the member might want to earn a date or remain a leader, there are many motivation.

With so many hidden motivations often based on guilt and fear the recruitment is deceptive, they are not inviting you along sincerely as they claim.

Guilt and fear is often used from the pulpit, the member is made to feel it is their responsibility that people are going to hell, and that if they don’t convert people they too will go to hell. Cult leaders have a long list of guilt and fear motivators to stress members in to recruiting.

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Narcissism and Pharisees and Hypocrites

Some people just make you angry, there is no rational reasoning with them. Some cult denominations are characterized by arrogance and pride, yet they can be very convincing. An example might be when you ask them “Why are you so harsh and legalistic?” to which they might reply “No you don’t understand we believe a person is saved by grace” yet often they will then say “If a person is not making disciples then they are not a disciple and not saved”. Hypocrites and cults often contradict themselves to win arguments, it is as if they are in a psychosis totally unaware of what they just said.

With normal people we expect them to be consistent most of the time but with religious hypocrites they exist in a realm of madness, they can contradict themselves by what they say not being what they do ( Matthew 23 ) and yet when confronted about their hypocrisy they will say they can’t see how they are being hypocritical.

With sociopaths and narcissists there is no way to win an argument, they are always right and everyone else outside of their peer group is always wrong.

You might find your loved one suddenly becomes totally irrational because they are surrounded by irrationality and religious sociopaths. Jesus told the hypocrites who thought they were “saved” that actually they were lost ( Matthew 7v23 ) because they were evildoers. Hypocrites usually can’t understand why they are hypocrites because of peer group influence.

The truth of the matter is cults are not saved but lost, hence we need to share the gospel with them again to set them free from cults.

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A delusion is a delusion no matter what

People often repent of drugs or prostitution to follow Christ, they are set free from the delusion of sin. Yet a cult is just as much of a delusion and like a drug often no matter what you say the drug addict wants the drugs unless you have better to offer them.

In the case of legalistic cults you can offer them grace, where they have works based salvation you can offer them unconditional love. The truth in Christ is always better than the cults and their deceptions, so we press forwards to set the “cult” captives free.

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The International Christian Church, a destructive cult ?

The topic of “cults” and “mind control” or “brainwashing” is not something most people ( including most Christians ) come across until often suddenly and unexpectedly they have lost someone they care about to a “cult”. In often just a week that someone you care about has been taken over by some church you have never heard of and they have become totally loyal to strangers who dictate everything they do, in effect “mind controlled” as if their mind is no longer their own and they choices they make no longer their own. People typically say “My friend has become like a robot or zombie”, “I can’t just can’t get through to them anymore”, “the only thing they do anymore is all about their new church” it is as if your friend has been hypnotized. So what happens, how did your friend or family member or even partner suddenly become part of a “cult” ? And more importantly how can you get them out of a “cult” ?

Firstly let’s compare a cult  to a typically “normal church”. In a normal church other Christians outside of their particular church are usually also considered Christians and “saved” ( going to heaven ). Most normal churches have allot in common regarding the concept of faith and belief, hence in normal churches you can change church and still be “saved”. In a cult they consider only members of their specific group “saved”, hence to leave their church/group means becoming “lost” ( going to hell ) and leaving God’s “true church” or “movement”. Another difference is that In a normal church the members are pointed to Christ to guide them, in a cult everything done becomes about what the leaders dictate over and above any personal choice, it is often subtle because in cults they claim they are doing God’s will in the interest of the “kingdom” yet it is always about the leaders plans. A cult typically has a very controlling pyramid type structure, it is more of a system/program than a church.

The cult we are going to be talking about is known as the International Christian Church, it has it’s head quarters in LA, that is where it’s leader Kip McKean controls the whole cult which they call “spiritual Jerusalem”. While not actually claiming to be Christ as some other cult leaders do he just as effectively runs the cult as total dictator and commander like Hitler. The church/cult in LA is known as the City of Angels International Christian Church , it has other churches around the world such as the London International Christian Church . Their website is which links around the world to their other church “plantings”.

Their plan is to have “churches” in every city around the world, to spread the gospel to all the nations ( Matthew 28v18-20 ). Each member in the church is called a “disciple”, people who are not yet members are called “visitors”, people who are coming back to the church are being “restored”, people who leave are called a “fall away”. Those inside the group who are disciples according to them have the only chance to be “saved” while all those outside are “lost” including all other churches and Christians. To be a member the person must tithe ( give 10% of their income ), have a mentor/leader who they obey in everything known as a “discipler” and be actively recruiting more members.

The invitation

Typically a person is invited to a “bible study” by one of the cult members, this could be in the mall or through college or many ways, often the cult members go out in pairs to recruit more potential members, they call it “reaching out” or “evangelism”.

It might seem that they are simply inviting people along to their church or to study the bible, it might seem sincere but actually in effect they have a invisible spiritual gun being pointed to their head. In the cult to be in good standing or to even be accepted as a disciple or member they must invite people along, their mentor/discipler constantly asks them how many people they have invited along, how many “contacts” they have ( people who say yes and they can contact via phone or email ) , how many bible studies, and how many people they have baptized. That “sincere” invitation is not sincere, people being invited along are simply numbers and ticking boxes on a sheet. That is the first deception, the fake “sincere” invitation.

When you think about it the invitation is forced because members salvation is at risk if they don’t invite people along, literally unless they convert people their leaders will suggest they are going to hell and not “true disciples”. Everything is done to be seen and recorded on a database, the cult doesn’t except sincerity just numbers on sheet. So the invite is no more sincere than someone trying to sell someone something, the members are threatened with hell if they don’t bring new people in. Hence they try their best to bring new people in, not because they love new people but motivated out of fear and guilt. The cult members are worshiping a cult god that throws people in to hell if they can’t produce “fruit” on the stats sheet.

Other motivations are the member might want to become a leader or stay a leader and so puts pressure on those below them to make the stats look good so as to be promoted or not loose their job/salvation. Or a member might want to “date” or marry a sister or brother in the church, the only way to do that is when that members stats look good enough, leaders manipulate people so they have to earn certain privileges in the church. Obviously the cult is not motivated by God but by stats and other things, fear and guilt is used allot.

Cult members don’t waste time with people they don’t think won’t make good cult members/recruiters/leaders, remember everything is motivated by numbers and money. Cults are not interested in poor or needy people ( unlike Jesus was ) nor people with problems, they are not interested in people who actually know the bible. Often cult members will spend hours at malls or universities recruiting, if a person says no after being persuaded to come along they move on to the next potential visitor deciding if it is worth pressuring the current person they are talking to or finding another potential person. They do though do their best to persuade people along because each visitor ticks a box on the sheet and improves their standing in the cult. Hence cult recruiters come across as very friendly and persuasive, much like a high pressure salesperson who simply won’t take no for an answer. Added to the normal salesperson the motivation is not just money but power and salvation, they think everyone outside of their group is going to hell, a powerful motivator to get people along.

Bible study

They might do the “bible study” right there in the mall or arrange to meet the person when it is more convenient often at a place where the person will meet more “disciples”. Often the person is also invited to the churches Sunday service or some other church meeting. In exchange for telling the person about the church and where and when it is the person is expected to reciprocate by giving the member their details. The cult often tries to hook the new person by any means, sports or social events or networking similar people or fake spirituality. One of the main hooks/deceptions is their church is actually active and growing, they will say all other churches are “dead” or “lukewarm”, the point being it was them who met the person not some other church.

So the cult members invite the person to the bible study, but really it is not about studying the bible objectively but telling the new person the cults interpretation of the bible, progressively and deliberately over several such bible studies the new person is indoctrinated in to the cults unique interpretation of the bible making them the only true church. They justify their system by plucking random verses from the bible and twisting the meaning out of context. A bible study might be for example one “visitor” and several disciples at a coffee shop or fast food restaurant. They use peer pressure and the “many on one” dynamic so the person will feel only right and accepted when they go along with the majority. Each bible study lasts up to maybe one hour and is recorded on a database which ends up in LA known as collecting the “stats” sheet.

In the bible study the leader tries to be aware of potential stumbling blocks with the person, are they a baptist or muslim or unbeliever. Often that leader will go away and then find out how to break the person’s faith down and to replace it with the cult doctrine.

Often people keep going to the bible studies because of “love bombing”, they might also go bowling or play pool or cinema, maybe a meal. The person will be asked what they like to do and the cult members will join in purely to win the person over. Once converted such interests will be dropped and the person who is now a member will be expected to do the same to the next victim. They love bomb the person for as long as it takes to win them over, then suddenly like bait and switch the rules change, many people leave because they realize they were manipulated in to joining. Others stay because of the fear of hell or fear of loosing their new “best friends”, others think it is actually Christianity and that it is God’s will for them to do what they do.

Seeking God or the church

Everything about the cult is deception, every step of the way is misleading and manipulated with a hidden agenda and hidden motives. The first bible study they indoctrinate people with is “seeking God” but it is about seeking the church as they conclude the only way to find God is through their church. The person is asked to seek and hence find God, the assumption being they can find God if they do all the bible studies. This first study is the carrot and a stick with the person being the mule. The assumption being made that if they don’t do more studies then they are not interested in God, hence most people carry on.

There is never the option that the person can simply buy a bible and read it for themselves to discover God, the cult always makes the person dependent on them to show the person what the bible means. The cult always gets between the person and “God”. The person never finds God but becomes simply another recruiter. “God” becomes both stick and carrot as manipulated by the leader.

The invitation

The invitation might seem sincere but remember everything is recorded on the stats sheet and every member is accountable to their leader/discipler in a pyramid structure. They are told to evangelize and if they don’t their membership, friendships in the church and relationships and salvation is threatened. They are manipulated to “evangelize”, that sincere invitation is not sincere but an sales act. In the cult there are many levels of being “spiritual” the leader is always considered more spiritual and hence more godly than the person below them, everyone looks up to Kip McKean as the most godly person, in effect he becomes their only source of what God wants done, hence the cult leader.

As well as being expected to recruit constantly, the members are always expected to give all they can to “build the kingdom of God”, this means the old testament tithe and many other collections for money. If they don’t give all they can when asked instantly their salvation is threatened because they are not being “true sold out disciples”. People are constantly played against other people “John is giving, he is a true disciple, why not you?”

So why join? Often the new person meets really friendly people who tell of how the church turned their life around and how they are going to save the world and that the person too can be part of God’s plan and God’s kingdom. The church will sell itself as the only church to be a part of and that all other churches are no good/false doctrine/dead/lukewarm. The whole focus of the church is getting new people in and selling the church as the perfect church, they will invite the person to social events and parties all with the focus to “build the kingdom”.

It might seem perfect at first until the person realizes that it is a dictatorship focused on money and getting more people to give more money. Members are simply a means to an end for the leaders, that end being collecting money. As the cult grows the leaders get richer and richer and more abusive in their treatment of members, they become worse and more self-confident as the system makes the cult bigger and more powerful. The top cult leader is autonomous and accountable to no-one.

As the cult grows they gain people who are “useful” to them, that can do the cult “favors”, they might convert someone in the media who can influence positive stories about the cult and also slander critics. They might recruit people in the government who can do any number of “favors” both to promote the cult and attack critics, hence the danger that cults can corrupt governments.

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